Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Ultimate Scottish Vacation: Day Three

Central Scotland: STIRLING & DUNKELD: Eventually we want to get to the highlands but we decided to take our time and stop in Central Scotland. It is a good half-way point and worth the stop. Once you get out of Edinburgh you will notice that life changes. It is more laid back and rural.

Stirling was our first stop and we went to the castle. It is a magnificient castle but a bit more stark and realistic than Edinburgh. You will have a different opinion of King James once you've stopped there. He was bit ruthless to say the least and once you see the beheading stone and drain, you'll know what I mean. For a guy who is responsible for the King James Version of the Bible, you have to wonder it is because he committed so many sins he needed to do something for the Almighty.

Stirling is a great place, I lived there for a year and if you go to the blog attatched to this site you can read enormous amounts about Stirling and see pictures as well. It is a place I cherish.

On our trip, we stayed the night in Dunkeld on our third day. We had a wonderfully old hotel to stay in. They served very good pub food on an outdoor patio. We had our first taste of prawn salad that night. I recommend the salmon anywhere you can get it.

Driving in the country is much easier than the city, so by day three you are starting to adapt to driving on the other side of the road.

Click below to watch the third day of our trip:

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