Today is Robert Burns birthday. If you are a fan of Scotland, then you should be celebrating today. For Robert Burns was a great man, a great Scot, and worthy of a holiday.
Burns was a romancer, a farmer and a patriot. He is Scotland's favorite son.
He was born on January 25, 1759. He came from a poor farming background. Although he recieved a good education despite his family situation. He had a zests for the life of poetry, nature, women, and drink.
The death of Robert Burns was very sad. The doctor advised him to go swimming in cold water to cure his rheumatic fever and instead got pneumonia. He died at 37.
Enjoy a good Burns Night and in the spirit of Burns, I write:
'Tis but more we wish and none we get,
A broken vow and promise.
Of which God sees and tells us,
We are frail afterall.
No bonnie reason for such tirade,
To swear to Him that is betrayed.
Of men of arms, and golden tributes,
We break bread as well as arms.
But in the heather is true blood,
Cast due to loyalty and of oath.
We celebrate the patriots who died,
And scorn those who fled.
For patriots are born to die,
And louts to wed.
We make peace by making war,
And taking her to bed.
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