Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Scottish Media: STV

If you have been on the blog or on this site, you will notice that STV video is seen more than the BBC's. Well the reason, is that it is easier to retrieve. The BBC for some reason seems to be more difficult to download. Nevertheless, the STV stories are quite good and comparable to US local news in their coverage. I had a chance to spend a day in the STV newsroom and went out on a story. The police were going to evict a family because they were a nuisance to the neighborhood and suspected drug trafficing was also a reason.

I learned quickly that STV news crews are no different than the news crews I have spent my career with. They complain about the assignment desk, the stories, and just about everything you would hear in a US news van.

Scottish TV is part of the ITV network or Independent Television network. They are not publicly supported, although they do receive some funds. They remain financially fit by commericals and selling air time. Just like in the US. In Scotland, radio is more popular than TV...why? It's free to have a radio but you are taxed to have a television. I had to pay close to $300 to get a TV license for the year. If you look at it as paying for cable, the overall costs are about the same in the US, the UK you need a satellite dish to get Sky channels and they contain all the sporting events. Satellite dishes are more popular than cable in the UK. Bottom line, owning a TV in Scotland can get very pricey. That's why most people watch their sports in a pub. Look out America, someday we will have to pay to watch the NFL. It's coming.

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