Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Ultimate Scottish Vacation: Day One

Okay, so you want to go to Scotland. In the next ten days of this site, I will take you through the vacation you could plan if you had ten days to spend in Scotland. I think this vacation in Scotland is one that will give you the best overview of the country, give you a wonderful time and a chance to experience the culture.

The only thing I would change in this vacation is the car rental. I would not have picked up a car in Glasgow but take the train for most of the journey. In fact, I would not pick up a rental car until I got to Inverness and then traveled the highlands. You don't need a car anywhere but in Skye and Loch Ness. The trains don't run in Skye and it is difficult to get to Loch Ness without a car.

First thing: Cabs are awesome in Scotland. Make sure your cell phone can work overseas or pick up a pay as you go when you arrive. You will need it for many things; safety, taxis, lodgings, etc. It is worth picking one up at the airport or at a store on your first day. If you have an AT&T phone, you can easily go to an ORANGE store in Scotland and get a pay as you go chip for your phone. It should be an easy conversion and you can use your phone in Scotland. My phone works in both countries and I use a separate chip for each country. It saves lots of money for me.

Now if you plan a flight...go into Glasgow not Edinburgh. You will save a couple hundred dollars and depending on how many are flying with you, a lot of money. Also, if you live near Canada try driving up to Toronto and flying out of that airport. The airport has been upgraded and it very easy to get around. We got a good fare with Air Canada and flew out of Toronto. We saved hundreds of dollars but you do have the hassle of going into another country to fly to another country. We didn't find it a problem in 2003.

Don't get any British currency until you get to Scotland. Go to the ATM at the airport and take out enough for a few days. Don't take too much because you don't want to be walking around with all that cash. Then go to the Starbucks on the first level and get a cup of coffee, pay with a 10 pound note and ask for change in pound coins. You will need the coins for train and bus travel. Bus drivers can get pissy if you give them big bills.

Take the bus that will bring you to Queens Street station. The bus you want is easily marked. If you are confused just ask, people are friendly and it's not New York. You won't be mugged after asking a question.

Once you get to Queens Street, go to the middle of the terminal. You can purchase your tickets from the vending machine...but it might be too confusing for you. Near the Buchanan Street side of the terminal there are ticket counters. They can help you out and make sure you get the right ticket. What you want is a cheap day is a two way ticket but cheaper than a one way. A cheap day return to Edinburgh. However, depending on what time of day it is you may have limitations. IF it is rush hour, you won't be able to use the ticket until after 10am. If you arrive before 10am and need to go right away, ask for a single day return. I'd go with the cheap day, and sit in the terminal or take a walk on Buchanan while waiting for the appropriate train...hey, you are on vacation what's the hurry?

Get to Edinburgh Waverly Station and then find a cab to take you to your hotel. I recommend two days in Edinburgh because you will be tired, there is lots to do and it is an expensive city. Know that once you get out of the city, prices come down incredibly so plan your vacation accordingly.

Once you've settled into your hotel. Taken a shower, etc...get another cab and go straight to the Royal Mile. You can shop there, eat, get a pint or two and soak in the Scottish flavor. Don't worry about getting a cab in Edinburgh.

Our first day, we planned on one tourist stop and kept the day light. We learned our first lesson that Scots eat later. We arrived at the restaurant at 5pm and they asked us if we wanted lunch. It works in your favor to eat early as the costs are less as well. A pub is a necessity at night. You will want to stay awake as long as possible the first day to adjust to the time change. You will collapse at 8pm, as I did.

Watch the video below of our first day in Scotland in 2003. This was our first trip and one that changed my life. I will put each day on this site for you to help you plan your trip. I would do the same itnerary anyday because it gave me the best experience of the country. It helped me later when I moved there to understand the geography. Speaking of geography, get a map, and study it. Know where the main cities are because it will help you as you travel.

Check out the video below of Day One:

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