Sunday, December 16, 2007


Scottish weather is the most maligned weather in the world. I swear it is due to the Floridians who travel there and think 50 degrees is freezing temperatures. My experience in Scotland taught me this. The weather in Cleveland, Syracuse and Western Michigan is worse than Scotland weather. In the winter of '06-'07 it snowed three days. The ground was covered for one day and that was it. It rained heavily in January but for the most part this is how a day in Scotland works. You get rain everyday, but for only an hour or so on most days. The sun does come out even in the winter time, unlike the three places in the US that I mentioned. And the night time is brilliant. I rarely recalled cloudy evenings and so the air was clear and the stars shone bright. I now sit in Cleveland and lament at the constant hazy darkness.

If you click on to the picture it will take you right to the BBC weather center to get an idea of temperatures. If I were going to plan a vacation, the summer would be the best time to go to Scotland, however the past summer was not as good as usually. I found that September and October were brilliant. You don't go to Scotland to surf or sun worship. If you go to hike, sightsee and experience a great country, the weather is perfect. It is not too hot and not too cold. For a northerner like me, it was great.

A tip: The western side of Scotland gets more rain...kind of like the lake effect that we experience in the US. So your travels on the east coast may not be as threatened by rain.

Other links: Click the picture to get the most recent forecast!

Click this picture for a live webcam:

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