Thursday, December 27, 2007

Scottish Traditions: Boxing Day

Boxing Day is a public holiday recongized in the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zeeland and Australia, as well as many other members of the Commonwealth of Nations. It is celebrated on December 26th, the day after Christmas.

Boxing Day had its origins in the feudal eras when lairds would give their serfs a boxful of food, clothing, etc. as a gift. Thus "Boxing Day". Many of the lower classes were given gifts from the upper classes on this day.

Today, in all of the countries it is another reason to be festive however, sales at stores reflect the United States and many shoppers hit the malls.

Churches and citizens box up whatever leftover from Christmas and deliver it to homeless and others.

It is also know that during war time, the boxes would go to soldiers.

Unfortunately, Boxing Day brings another tradition of the fox hunt despite the hunt being banned throughout the UK for the past three years. However, the tradition continues.

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