Monday, December 10, 2007

TRAVEL TIP: Take the Tea...avoid the Coffee

I strongly recommend that when you travel to Scotland that you avoid the coffee. Unless of course you like very strong coffee. But the tea in the U.K. is tops. The tea is better than what you will find in the US by a long shot. I was not a tea drinker until I went to Scotland and now I start each day with a cup of tea...I have coffee later but to start the day with tea is kinder to the body. Ty-phoo is my favorite and can be found in the United States. Click on the logo and go to their site.

If you do insist to have coffee over's a tip. Order the White Coffee. It is a milder version of the normal stuff. You can also ask for an Americano, which is like a latte but not quite.

There are Starbucks and they supply the same types of coffee as US shops but if you are in a restaurant I offer the above advice. The coffee shops will give you what you want, but if you want coffee with your meal or with prepared.

Costa coffee is very popular. Click on the logo to learn more.

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