Saturday, December 15, 2007


I often tell people that a liberal in the United States would be a conservative in Scotland and most of Europe for that matter. I mean, their conservatives push for universal health care, green living, state funded elderly care, etc. For instance, the Scottish Labour Party states in their Sunrise Agenda, "expand entitlement to free school meals to 100,000 children living in low income working families. And end child poverty in generation and halve child poverty by 2010." Wendy Alexander of the Labour party has "called on the SNP to give an early Christmas present to 50,000 disabled young Scots and their families - by guaranteeing that $68 million investment from the UK government meant to help Scottish children with disabilities will go to provide respite care for their families."
The Scottish government has supported a charity scheme to help the homeless this Christmas. Sales of Christmas trees benefit homeless shelters in Scotland. (check here). The homeless in Scotland are protected by the government (check here) with legislation and the move toward government housing projects. When was the last time in the United States that we discussed homelessness (the Reagan era probably). Now with foreclosures mounting, I'm sure that there are many more homeless to deal with. And the head of the Conservative Party, David Cameron sounds like a conservative about terrorism but speaks of the environment like a democrat in the United States. See video below.

And don't forget about the Green party (click here). We have nothing close to the organization and impact of such a liberal party.

Yeah, there are exceptions but overall, an American Republican will feel like a fascist in Europe and a Democrat will feel like a Republican. Trust me.

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