Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Scottish Premier League: Hearts

Scottish football is important in Scotland. However, two teams dominate the SPL and that limits the quality of the other teams. Rangers and Celtic are consistently the two teams that fight for the championship every year. Celtic are like the New York Yankees of Scotland. Rangers can be seen as the Red Sox, however the Rangers have won many championships throughout the years.

The Scots aren't upset about the disparity. However, some teams are consistently on the cusp of breaking the tradition. Hearts is a team out of Edinburgh. When I was in Scotland they had a quite the row (a favorite phrase in Scotland and England is the term "row", pronounced "rou".) The row was over management and the team captain. The captain was benched and the season went into the toilet. Much dismay followed.

The gold standard in soccer, and I may be biased, is the English Premier League. Even Scots seem to watch more EPL than SPL...probably because you can't see any SPL games for free. You need to purchase a satellite deal with SKY sports to watch any matches. The pubs are full of people on saturdays to watch the matches because of this and other reasons. We watch football on Sunday, they watch football on Saturday. And Tuesday nights as well. Click on the picture and learn more about Hearts.

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