Sunday, December 9, 2007

MEET REAL SCOTS: Travel tips

Go to Church

If you really want to experience the real Scotland and not just the touristy places...I mean, would you go to Williamsburg and say you understood America? Maybe the past. Or if you just visited New York City, would that tell you all you need to know about the United States? No way.

So go to a local church service on Sunday. They won't throw you out. If you are a gent, wear a tie...but it won't matter if you don't. You will learn more in that hour about the people that live in the country than any other place but the pub. The secret to being a good tourist is listening. It's not about you, it's about learning about them. Unless of course, you want it to be about you and then I'd ask you stay away from me, you give Americans a bad rep. Click on the picture to learn about the Logie Kirk in Stirling. A fine place to go and meet real Scots.

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