Shinty is a game similar to hockey and lacrosse. However, it is different from hockey and lacrosse in that the feet can be used to stop the ball but not the hands (unless you are the goal-keeper). You can carry the ball on your caman (stick) which can be swung above sholder height. It is a fast moving game where being physically fit counts.
The game is played with 2 teams of 12 players. Each player has a curved stick called a Caman (pronounced ca-man). Each game lasts 90 minutes. it is a community gamed played in some of the most remote parts of ScotlandStudents at Stirling University played the sport on a regular basis. They would carry their caman's with them throughout the day and then play in leagues at night.
The one thing noticeable between field hockey and shinty is the rough nature of the sport. You can use the stick above your head. Some players were able to toss the ball upward, using their stick, and then whack it like a baseball to forward the ball.
Very impressive when seen in person.
Here's some video with Gaelic commentators...
Shinty is also played in California and other locations in the USA for more information go to www.norcalshinty.com or www.uscamanachd.org/
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