Wednesday, February 13, 2008

BBC America: It's a bit like New Coke.

The BBC is great at many things. First, their attention to international news outweighs American counterparts. The reason of course is financial. American broadcasters did not see the benefit of the many foreign bureaus they use to have spread throughout the world. Americans just don't really care about news too far from home. At least in-depth news. When was the last time the networks did a story on Kenya or Darfur or Uganda? Been a while. Americans also love icons. And so it seems BBC America has to sell the hosts to the American people like the other American networks.

For me, it doesn't work. The real BBC you can watch overseas is hard hitting, thorough and not watered down. The hosts are generic reporters who do not get publicity for sitting in a chair.
That's just my view on it but I like the BBC News I get overseas to the America version. They seemed to have crammed the two hosts into a closet in Washington and the news comes to us Americanized. We already get that. Why they don't just give us the news from overseas befuddles me. I think it would be a real wake up call and would provide better news.
Instead the weaker version is just as good as a local affiliate. Again, just my opinion.
However, at least we get the BBC. In any form it is better than nothing.

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