A pet peeve of mine and one that will roll the eyes or get blank stares from Scots is to think Ireland and Scotland are the same. Unfortunately, ignorant Americans lump Ireland and Scotland together because of music or kilts or accents or a combination of the three. Another reason is the "over there" factor. A basic lack of knowledge causes a lot of the confusion. A lack of caring keeps the indescretion from being corrected.
I will attempt to illustrate the differences and hopefully educate those who link the two countries.
IrelandIreland is a country of its own. It is an island by itself. Ireland's currency is the Euro. Scotland's currency is the Pound.
Ireland has a booming software industry and is the "silicone valley" of Europe.
Scotland is known for banking. The Royal Bank of Scotland owns many US banks.
Irish names begin with Mc.
McCarthyMcLaughlinScottish names begin with Mac.
MacKenzieMacGregor -----------------------------------
Northern IrelandWhen I was in Scotland, when Ireland was discussed the reference was to Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland still belongs to the United Kingdom.
Northern Ireland is the onclave of the Protestants of Ireland. This is the area of the "troubles". This small part of Ireland is the only part that links Scotland and Ireland but they are as similar as Puerto Rico is to Texas. They may look familar in lots of ways but it is in the details the differences can be seen.
I think the analogy of Puerto Rico to Texas is the best for explaining the differences between Northern Ireland and Scotland. There are cultural differences and political differences.
The accents are different. Their history is different.
The flag of Ireland is flown only in Ireland. Ireland has a President and a Prime Minister. They do not have a Queen.
THE UNITED KINGDOMconsists of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales.
The Union flag (Union Jack) is flown in Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland. They constitute the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has a Prime Minister as well as a Queen.

This flag is the governmental flag of Northern Ireland.

This is the flag of England: St. George's Cross. Notice if you put the Scottish flag and the St. George's Cross together you get the Union flag.

This is the flag of Scotland. Scotland has its own parliament but it acts much the same way as our state government. The federal decisions are made in Westminister, England. Scotland has representatives in British Parliament, again however, the affairs of Scotland are privy to the Scottish Parliament. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Gordon Brown, is Scottish and with it comes much disdain and expectations from his fellow Scots.

This is the flag of Wales. Don't forget, Wales is also a member of the United Kingdom.
Ireland has its own television news network.
http://www.rte.ie/ Click on the link and check it out. You might want to compare it to the BBC...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/. When the BBC discusses "Ireland" it directly refers to Northern Ireland. You can click on the links inside the BBC site and you will see what I mean.
I have heard many Americans confuse Scotland with Ireland and ignorantly toss their confusion as a "what's the difference?" There is a huge difference for those who know better. If you go to Scotland and believe there is no difference, I suggest to you there is no differences between Canadians and Americans.
The next time someone lumps the two countries together, you can educate them of their ignorance.