Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Ultimate Scottish Vacation: Day Seven

Isle of Skye: It is a beautiful place and one that needs time. We spent two days there and did not see everything. This is the place you need a car. You'll need the car to get to some of the far away and remote spots. Dunvegan is the farthest point to the west. There is a castle there but we found it a bit touristy.

Skye is a beautiful place

We stayed at Ptarmigan B&B in Broadford. It was a lovely place on the water. However, we did get into the whisky a wee bit and were very noisy. What is nice about this B&B is that they have a dining area that is sealed off from the rest of the guests and so we did not cause too much trouble with our loud American voices.

Take your time traveling Skye but make sure you make time for sunsets.

Broadford is a good place to stay but there is also Portree. Portree is a very quaint town that's very

Portree Harbor

Ptarmigan B&B in Broadford was just the right stop for us.
The B&B also has a five star cottage for self-catering. The price is excellent, so if you are up to getting your own food, that's the way to go.

View from Ptarmigan cottage.
We spent two days on Skye, so more about Skye on the next day's journey but click below and see the sights of Day Seven.

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