When you look into vacations in Scotland, be aware of the self-catering option. Basically what it means is you buy your own food. As I have said many times, the grocery stores are very good in Scotland and they range in price and quality. The low end being Somerfeld, the middle Tesco and the high end Sainsbury's. 
Beer is much cheaper in the store, just like in the States. You can get a 12 pack for the same price you would pay in the States. Tennents is the most popular and common beer in pubs.

You can get Pespi and Coke products the same as you can in the States. They usually come in smaller cans.

For coffee, instant seems to be more popular. Most self-catering accomodations will have hot water kettles. I recommend you go with good old Nescafe or else you may get some really strong Scottish coffee you may not enjoy.
If you really wanta to try something new and uniquely Scottish, you must try Irn-Bru. It is an orange-type soda natives love. Rumor has it, it is good for hangovers. But you will find more Irn-Bru then Coke or Pepsi. My suggestion is you give it a try. It may grow on you.

Scottish orange juice comes from South Africa.
Yogurt is available in stores for a good price. Look for deals, similar to the ones in the States...5 for a pound, etc.
Salmon is a good deal. This salmon was on sale for 4 dollars a pound.

If you want an American beer, there is Budweiser but there is also Miller. The Miller tastes a little different than the American version and you can get good deals on buying the full pint cans.

You can get Pespi and Coke products the same as you can in the States. They usually come in smaller cans.

For coffee, instant seems to be more popular. Most self-catering accomodations will have hot water kettles. I recommend you go with good old Nescafe or else you may get some really strong Scottish coffee you may not enjoy.

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